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Subject: My last history assignment for the semester.(Replies: 0   Views: 848)
Nataku said on: 01/14/16 3:37 pm
(3016 Days, 3 Hrs, 46 Min, 56 Sec ago)

The Iraq War

It is March of 2003 and Iraq has isolated itself from many nations and world leaders. Saddam Hussein is still in control of Iraq. This leader who happens to be a ruthless dictator has the Baath Party, Fedayeen and the Republican Guard to enforce his will. Anyone thought of as a threat to Saddam and his regime could be killed or imprisoned at any time. The leader who happens to be a Sunni Muslim along with his political party. In years prior during the late eighties and early nineties, this dictatorship committed horrible acts of violence towards other sects of or denominations of Islamic followers. What I have been led to believe is that these crimes against humanity were carried out based on fear and the prospect of losing control of Iraq. Before the initial invasion, the UN had imposed sanctions on the country of Iraq. They were instructed to cease all developments of weapons of mass destruction. Weapons inspectors were sent to the country. They found no such weapons, but during the first gulf war or desert storm. Iraq had SCUD missiles that could be fired into neighboring countries. This regime also hade chemical and biological weapons at their disposal. During this period of time, Saddam Hussein had a relative known as Chemical Ali. This man had ordered the use of such munitions on their Islamic counterparts. And people suffered. Now before I get biased and search for a just cause. The UN weapons inspectors left and the United Nations made their decision to not support the campaign to invade Iraq. George W. Bush Disregarded the United Nations choice and he imposed his own sanction for Saddam and his sons to leave Iraq in 48 hours. This is what the US president had ordered. Saddam and his sons Uday and Qusay did not follow this mandate, and so the invasion and occupation of Iraq had begun. Coalition of the willing, this is what the United States and their allies had been named. There were many other nations involved, but the main governments involved were the United States, Great Britain and Australia. Just before Coalition forces crossed the Iraqi borders, Precision bombs and cruise missiles were launched and dropped from bombers in the sky. They hit targets that were important and valuable to Saddam and his regime. After these sites were destroyed, the invasion began. Coalition forces overwhelmed the Republican Guard, and these soldiers fought and others deserted. A foreshadowing event took place in Nasiriya. A convoy had been ambushed and makeshift explosives were used on either roadside or hidden in packages in the path of military vehicles. This would become an almost daily happening in the course of the Iraq War. Many coalition soldiers were wounded or had died by such methods of warfare. Soon after, Saddam’s loyal troops and remnants of the Republican guard were defeated. And Saddam Hussein was ousted. Now the United States and coalition were in power. It did not take very long for other parties or militant groups to try and fill in positions of power that were now free and waiting to be filled. They fought each other along with fighting the US and their allies. These militias otherwise known as insurgents commenced what is now known as Iraq’s Civil War following the invasion of Iraq. Once the factional violence started there were 3 predominant followings of Islam fighting one another and the coalition. Although the United States had forces on the ground carrying out attacks. Here were the Kurdish fighters of the north, Sunni and Shiite. Saddam happened to be a Sunni and it just so happens that the insurgents or Baath loyalists fighting the coalition also. These Militias were fighting a fierce guerilla war. Some say that the insurgents were switching sides during this conflict. One day a militant group could be fighting against the US as a Unified force, the next day they could be fighting along with the US. Several years or maybe close to a decade ago. There was an article in the news explaining how many Iraqi militants were working for the US, then it goes on to say how they would end up back in the payroll of Al Quada. As far as I know, the US or other private institutions would hire contractors and private military companies. Serving them by either protecting interests or politicians, checkpoints and American bases throughout Iraq. So the Iraqis were not the only people involved in using guns for hire. During the time of December 13, 2003. The United States Captured Saddam Hussein. Soldiers on patrol in Saddam’s hometown of Tikrit came across a hole in the ground covered in sand and boards. And inside… “Oh no you found me!” Saddam was captured. And inside his little hole in the ground there was a wall or small opening in which he could view one of his former palaces. After Saddam was executed for crimes against humanity, The Occupation was deemed a success. Near this time as mentioned before there was no formal government in Iraq, and different tribes and factions of insurgents competing for control. To this day there is a struggle for stability in Iraq

[Added at 01/14/2016 19:21:33 by Nataku]
Mistakes, this was part of the rough copy.

*BIOHΔZARD* Sanity taken, seething damnation, Khtulu awaken!

Excuse me while I bark pant sniff and yelp all over the place.

(Nataku has posted: 2920 forum posts)
User ID: 3602 / Joined: 10/29/2002
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